Tag Archives: portrait

Some New Stuff

Hello again, poor neglected blog.  It is official, I’m an art student….again. I’ve had a bit of a shock to my system;this college actually gives you stuff to do, and lots of it!  We get live briefs, studio units, visual recording (drawing, painting from life) computers in art and design, AS photography (almost as much […]

Izu the lion.

Well, I’m in the mood for big cats again today.  I was given permission to draw this handsome lion, Izu, by  the young and accomplished teen photographer Charles. His photography can be found here- http://www.flickr.com/photos/charlessf/ I spent the entirety of this morning  drawing this.  The foreshortening was quite challenging, but I think I pulled it off. Izu’s mane […]

Snow leopard pencil portrait.

This drawing was inspired by a beautiful photograph by the talented David Hewett, who can be found here on Flickr.com- http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrdehoot/ David kindly gave me permission to reference his work. I drew this in H pencil, HB, and 5B, then gave it colour glazes to bring out the eyes. And a greyscale version..

Freya The Stray Kitten

A little charcoal portrait of a  stray black and white kitten we took in for 3 months until we could find her a home. Freya